Tremendous Thanks to the BSU Men's Hockey Club and to all those fans that participated in this year's Salute to First Responders Game and Jersey Auction. The Auction and your generous donations resulted in a $7500 boost to Courageous Survival's operating capacity. Here at Courageous Survival we are humbled and proud of your support. You are making it possible for us to continue to meet the first responders throughout Idaho and Eastern Oregon who need our help in getting connected with culturally competent mental health and wellness professionals. It is our honor to serve those who serve us so heroically on a daily basis.
A 2-hour overview of how Courageous Survival brings people together with trained peer support to connect them with meaningful resources for improved resiliency and mental health.
Contact Jacki Briggs at
for assistance in finding an instructor and scheduling a training event
A proven, 90 minute, 'gatekeeper' suicide intervention training program.
Contact Jacki Briggs at
for assistance in finding an instructor and scheduling a training event
The world's leading suicide intervention training program.
Contact Jacki Briggs at
for assistance in finding an instructor and scheduling a training event
ETIP - Peer Support and Emotional First Aid
for the Emergency Services Industry
Designed to equip emergency responders or those who work in the industry with the tools needed to provide effective emotional first aid to their peers (peer-to-peer support) and better assist citizens in crisis, which can lead to a healthier career.
Check back soon - we are continuously adding more training and event resources
Courageous Survival Inc
1577 North Linder Road, Suite 122, Kuna, Idaho 83634, United States